Fertigation fertilizing through irrigation simplifies lawn, garden and landscape maintenance.

Long used on farms, nurseries and larger commercial properties, feeding while watering makes sense.





  1. It’s Easy: When the irrigation systems turn on YardIV goes to work.
  2. It’s Effective: Irrigation water carriers fertilizer directly to the root zone.
  3. It’s Efficient:  Fertilizer quantity is reduced; it’s not spread where it’s not needed.
  4. It’s Ecological:  No granules left on the surface to wash away or track into the home, staining floors and carpets.

YardIV simplifies yard care.  When the irrigation system turns on, YardIV goes to work.

You can add YardIV to any drip or sprinkler system.  When to irrigation timer calls for watering, YardIV will add the appropriate amount of Empac7  from the tank to the water as it irrigates.